As part of our commitment to continuous improvement for the sustainable use of natural resources, we use photovoltaic panels to produce electrical solar energy both for company use and to contribute to the national network. This sophisticated photovoltaic installation provides us with more than half of the energy we use to maintain our offices and equipment.
In addition to our investment in renewable energy, we also employ numerous measures to reduce as far as possible the impact of our operations on the environment, from minimizing waste and pollution to energy conservation, risk reduction, safe products and services and, where possible, environmental restoration.
We invest in the highest quality materials for our office buildings to reduce energy loss and promote efficiency, as well as using energy efficient light bulbs and timer switches throughout our office buildings. We uphold a culture of recycling and waste management for all materials used, exceeding local guidelines for the responsible disposal of paper, plastic, organic waste, electronic material and printer toner; recycled packaging materials are used wherever possible.
We have recently replaced plastic parcel tape with tape used from recycled paper for our shipments.
We encourage awareness and good practice among our employees, from our collective participation in the worldwide Fridays for Future movement to the removal of single-use cups from the on-site vending machines.